The Neural Muscular program is similar to Negative exercises in body building.  Requiring that you start by lifting the weight with 2 limbs.  (Known as the Positive portion of the exercise).  Followed by a release of the weight where you resist with one hand.  You should use a weight you can lift comfortably for 3-4 reps with 2 hands.

These exercises make your muscles fire with your strongest contraction quickly.  So all the exercises are based on positioning closer to anatomical function of each muscle.  Whereas the positive portion of the exercise is meant to get you in place and position.  Followed by the negative part of the exercise which stimulates the neural system.

You can view the Isometric section of the program to have a reference of the anatomical function of each muscle.

As you are on the downward motion of the exercise, you can resist with the other limb.  Given that the muscle has already contracted quickly at its strongest position.  This method will help to reduce or prevent injury.

Do each of these exercises one set per body part.  As a starting routine, you can train each body part once a week.  As you increase in your progress, you will require more recovery time.  Thus you will need to increase the time between training body parts.

Example Training Program – First week

Each body part trained once a week.

Monday – Arms (Biceps, Triceps, Forearms) – 1 set per exercise

Wednesday – Trunk (Back, Chest, Shoulder, Abs) – 1 set per exercise

Friday – Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves)

Example training program – 4th month

Each bodypart trained every 1.5 weeks.

Monday – Arms (Biceps, Triceps, Forearms) – 1 set per exercise

Wednesday – Trunk (Back, Chest, Shoulder, Abs) – 1 set per exercise

Friday – Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves)

– Rest until Wednesday following week

Wednesday – Arms (Biceps, Triceps, Forearms) – 1 set per exercise

Friday – Trunk (Back, Chest, Shoulder, Abs) – 1 set per exercise

Wednesday – (Following Week) – Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves)



Use a Cable that is low to the ground.  Gather in a squatting position, placing your elbows in between your legs.  Pull the cable with both arms, similar to the motion of a concentration curl.  Making sure to emphasize the supination and turning inward of the elbow.  Release the weight for one second with one arm.  While grabbing a hold of it again to control the downward fall.

Frontal Abs

Doing the Frontal Abdominal exercise is similar to conducting a stomach crunch on the ground.  Grab the Lat pulldown machine and keep your upper arms parallel to the floor.  Enough to create some tension between the chest and the abdominals.  Start from a standing position, so you can maximize the weight you are using.  Begin to pull yourself downward, focusing on using the abdominal muscles.  Slowly curl your body towards your legs, until you cannot move any further.  Release the weight with one hand quickly for a second.  Creating a jerking motion and contraction.  Repeat this process for 3 reps each side.  Then switch between hands since the one side tends to be emphasized more than the other


The obliques (Side of the abdominals) are a little tricky to train.  Since we naturally stand upright and use very little side motion in our daily lives.  So it is difficult to develop the appropriate level of tension.

However the side abdominal muscles are important for athletics.  Particularly motions that require a twisting movement.  Such as a Roundhouse kick or the swinging of a baseball bat.

The object of this strange motion is to try to get as much tension generated in a twisting motion.  Turn your body to the side slowly, dipping down by dropping your knees.  You will eventually reach the limit on how far you can drop by bending your knee.  You can then turn and twist the other leg behind, allowing you to dip even further.  (Similar to a bowling swing)

A strange but effective exercise.

Legs – Quads

Powerful quads are imperative for athletics.  They are fairly easy to train, since the leg extension machine does a good job of this.  This exercise is very similar to the Isometric version of training the Quads.   Simply lift the weight with the leg extension machine.  At the top of the exercise, release with one foot.  The downward momentum will build with the release.  You may use your other foot to stop the free fall of the weight.

Chest Muscles

Chest muscles are another hard to train muscle.  Since it is difficult to build tension at the peak of the exercise.  As a typical exercise machine like the Pec Deck doesn’t have much tension in the fully contracted position.  This is an unusual exercise, designed to emphasize one pectoral muscle at a time.  The exercise starts off by looking like a rowing motion.  It then adapts by changing with a rotation of the body.  Twisting your body to emphasize the chest muscles to apply tension.  The release of the weight helps to achieve an explosive contraction.

Inner Thighs

This exercise is done using a machine.  You can use your hands to help push your legs together.  As that helps to maximize the amount of weight you are using.  Remove your hands when you release the weight on your one leg.

Forearm Flexors

This exercise can also be done with dumbbells as well.  Lift the weight to the peak contraction of your forearm flexors with both hands.  Release the weight to receive the explosive contraction.

Forearms Extensors

The given  exercise is difficult to perform.   Since the Extensor muscles have limited range of motion.  So you might have to lighten the weight to ensure you get peak contraction in good form.

Outer Thighs

Similar to the Inner thighs, this exercise is done with the use of machines.  You can also use you hands to position you with a heavier weight.

Lower Back

This motion is alike the stiff leg deadlift in action.  Wrist straps might be used so you can lift more weight.  As the purpose is to create an explosive contraction for your lower back.  Lean back with the weight.  Releasing with one hand to force your body to suddenly contract in resistance.


The following exercise is very similar to the tricep kickback.   Only it is conducted with a cable.  It can be initially awkward to get into the appropriate position for release.  Make sure you use the appropriate amount of weight.  So you are properly challenged while maintaining good form.


The Calf Neural exercise is similar to the standard calf raises.  Except you are releasing at the top.


Very similar to the standard hamstring exercise on a machine.


This is like a shoulder shrug done with one arm at a time utilizing a cable.


Two variations of this exercise are presented.  One is using the Universal Bench Press machine.  Making adjustments to the starting position of the benchpress.  The second variation utilizes the cable machine.

Side Deltoids

This exercise is somewhat alike a lateral side raise.

Front Deltoids

Essentially an Upright row with a Neural twist.